This was the most exciting project I participated in, in collaboration with the economics department, it was a real business game, with a substantial cash prize from Fater.
Fater is an important Italian company, a joint venture between Angelini and Procter & Gamble, which offers brands such as Lines (absorbents), Pampers and ACE detergent.
The case study concerns the abandonment of Lines products by consumers belonging to the 25-34 age group. A real market research was therefore set up, starting from the design of the questionnaires (paper and online), organization and execution of 3 focus groups, numerous interviews with experts in the sector (gynecologists, sexologists, midwives).
The Lines Facebook page was also scrapped, so as to monitor the consent on the company’s social networks using automatic techniques.
Once collected in first-person data, we moved on to their systematization, cleaning and aggregation. Statistical analyzes and data exploration were carried out, but not only.
Machine learning techniques were applied, such as K-means, managing to extrapolate clusters of similar customers in terms of purchasing behavior, comparing it to factors that they consider important to find in a menstrual product.

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